Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rainy Days At The Farmer's Market

I haven't posted in awhile due to preparing to be in the Farmer's Market in Northfield. It truly has been all consuming. It is my first season and there were a lot of details to take care of, not to mention all the baking I've been doing. Yes, I know, I haven't posted any dessert recipes yet, but I will. Surprise! I am a baker! Thus, the name of my blog and my business...Sweet Considerations.

Week 1...The weather was cold, damp, windy, dreary...yes, it's June here. I hired the sweetest high school boy to help me set up, sell and tear down. So...this was a first experience for both of us in setting up a tent with canopy. I have to say we did a pretty good job of it, but 2 workers were watching us struggle, and came over to lend a hand. We were grateful. We then put up the banner, set up the tables, plated the products I was selling, and put out samples for tasting. Several of our friends and family came to visit and be supportive. We were happy to see them. The day wore on, we met other vendors who were friendly and nice, we sold out my products, and it was time to tear down and go home. We were glad. It was ugly out, but the rain held off until later in the afternoon. We were home.

Week 2...When I woke up at 5am I looked at the weather radar on line. Gee, it's now June 14th...cold, rain and thunderstorms expected. wasn't raining at 6:30 when my helper arrived at my house. So we decided to go anyway, because the rain could hold off until after the market like last week. So we stopped at Starbucks to warm ourselves up with hot chocolate and coffee. We arrive at the Market, unload everything, get it all set up, sit in our chairs to wait for customers, and it starts POURING rain. Ok...we're committed, we just set everything up, we decided to make the best of it. Until we couldn't take it anymore. We were freezing, we were wet, my packaging was ruined, my products were ruined, the canopy on the tent was filled with water, it was a mess. So, I backed my car up to the tent and we started to take everything down in the POURING rain...laughing like soaking wet crazy people. It was an experience I don't plan to duplicate. When the radar says RAIN, I'm staying home.

The best part of the day was having my instincts confirmed. I interviewed several boys for this job. When I met Alex, I knew he was the one. My decision to hire him was based on the fact I thought he was sweet, and I liked the way he talked about his Mom. Good qualifications in my book. Well, this boy rose to the occasion. No attitude, no complaining (I did enough for both of us). He was such a good sport, so good natured and funny about it all. A miserable day became fun because of him. God, I hope he shows up next week!

1 comment:

PGJ said...

Brownies and cookies are better warm and dry, but yours are so delicious even soaked.

Poor Alex! Just what he wants to hear. 17 year old boys like to be bad, rude to their moms, and tough. Oh well some girl will be lucky.

Hope it doesn't rain on Saturday.
